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Carbon footprint of A Log House

Ecological and energy-efficient log house 

Laminated log house, are an ecological, sustainable and hypoallergenic choice 

Log houses made of laminated log are extremely durable over time and offer an ecological choice for those who intend to build a house. 

As a building material, laminated log is both energy efficient and offers low carbon dioxide emissions. Slow growing laminated log is a low-emission material and very energy efficient, and with its high density it is in favor of traditional log. With its good characteristics it is the best choice if you or your children suffer from allergies. 

When the building is one day demolished, it can be recycled for other purposes wish provides a great advantage in our challenging times.

A carbon footprint that does not need to be offset

Natural, breathable materials that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in addition to low-impact production processes guarantee that your log home will be carbon neutral.

The carbon footprint you leave does not need to be offset in advance, at the time of purchase or even after a hundred years – that is, for the entire life cycle of your Finnlamelli log home. This is how we have always done things and how we will continue to do in the future.

A Finnlamelli home is a real climate action that will last long enough to be passed from parent to child.

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Log construction is good for the environment

As a tree grows in a Finnish forest, it removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. When the tree is used to build a new Finnlamelli home, the carbon in the tree is stored in the home’s structures. At best, carbon will be stored in these structures for hundreds of years.

A log home is the most eco-friendly option, also compared to an ordinary wooden house. For example, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has carried out research on ecological log buildings. According to the results of that research, log buildings do not consume as much energy or produce as much carbon dioxide emissions over their entire life cycle as an ordinary wooden house.

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High-quality finnish work

The logs of your new Finnlamelli home are produced using high-quality Finnish work and materials. Laminated log that is made from spruce or pine timber and has the heartwood on the surface of the log is a healthy Finnish building material. The durability of the logs have already been measured during its growth stage in the harsh conditions of Finnish forest.

Finnlamelli’s production complies with the good practices of both the Finnish Log House Industry Association and the Finnish Association for Manufacturers of Prefabricated Houses. Finnlamelli also holds a PEFC-certificate as proof of our systematic work to protect the rights of every owner of a Finnlamelli home as well as trace the origin of the wood material we use.

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Let’s make dreams come true

Our global network of retailers are happy to help you with any questions related to our products as well as building a Finnlamelli log house.